Rukovoditel – Best Project Management System

I am in the area of outsourcing business and have to manage many projects and large team of varying roles and responsibility. Project & team management which was one the core part of my KRA and to streamline the project I was in a hunt of good project management tool. After spending lots of time and efforts and testing many sources both open source and commercial one, few days back I found Rukovoditel

At first it looks very simple and I discarded, after few days back I studied about it and tested it thoroughly. It’s really imaging!

I can say is the best system for project management, I like the kind of customization and flexibility it provides. It’s like you get a system and you can customize it based on your needs at any extent. 

Another best thing about it that, you can use it as CRM system as well. Its up to your imagination!!

I highly recommend this to all, just try once, I am sure you will love it.


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