PatMedia is a Hybrid Retrieval Engine for patent multimedia content developed by the Multimedia Knowledge Laboratory at the Informatics and Telematics Institute. This search engine is capable of retrieving content as in four modes:
* Patent Browsing: based on patent information.
* Visual Search: based on an advnaced algorithm that extracts an innovative feature for binary image retrieval named: the Adaptive Hierarchical Density Histograms, with a view to finding similar content.
* Text Retrieval: based on the textual description of the figures in the patent document.
* Hybrid Retrieval: combines the aforementioned search options with filtering based on figure description and category.
* Patent Browsing: based on patent information.
* Visual Search: based on an advnaced algorithm that extracts an innovative feature for binary image retrieval named: the Adaptive Hierarchical Density Histograms, with a view to finding similar content.
* Text Retrieval: based on the textual description of the figures in the patent document.
* Hybrid Retrieval: combines the aforementioned search options with filtering based on figure description and category.