Patent and Competitive Intelligence Dashboard

Dashboard is a web-based technology on which real time information is collated from various sources in the business. It is now becoming popular as the new "face" of business intelligence is the enterprise dashboard due to the user-centric nature of its visually-based approach. These tools generate actionable intelligence, thus enabling the strategic decision makers for better decisions.

IT breaks the barriers of traditional business intelligence, reaching beyond data silos to give everyone in the organization all the information they need to make more confident business decisions. Dashboard provides visibility across an organization to drive better decision making. It delivers the power to understand key business drivers by providing the means to drill from high level information to detailed review of root cause analysis.

Patent Intelligence data may play a critical role for decision makers in tracking trends in innovation, identifying licensing and sales targets, anticipating market entry and business white spaces, and assessing competitor strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Effective Patent Intelligence can provide a business stakeholder with tools for which to make critical legal, R&D, product development, strategic or business development decisions.


Keeps you updated about your competitor’s business strategies and information in available at a single mouse click. These dashboards are customized according the clients needs, thus enabling even clients to generate actionable intelligence the way they want, unlike the PDF report, where your have to no choices. Following are the few matrixes used to generate intelligence information, helping in making better strategic decision, thus providing positive impact on the corporate balance sheet:

Who – Identify who are your current and potentially futuristic competitors, possible in-and out licensing, merger and acquisition opportunities and synergies in potential partners?

What – Identify what your competitors are doing in technology and business front?

Why - Identify why there is a possible opportunity or thread in a technology domain?

When – Identify the R&D and strategic decision trends, market trends and growth timeline of your competitors.

Where – Identify the crowded and potential new markets for your product.

How – Identify how you can be improve your patent portfolio to fill gaps and fence around the key technologies.


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