IP Marketplace: Trading in knowledge

IP Marketplace is a venue for buyers and sellers of IP rights. In IP Marketplace you can see which patents, utility models, trademarks and designs are offered for sale or for licensing. You can list a technology that you would like to buy or become licensed to use.The listed patent and utility model descriptions are easy to comprehend, with focus on their commercial potential. When you have found an interesting patent or utility model and need more technical information on what the patent or utility model covers, you will find links to this under the IP information tab.

Trademarks are divided into categories that give a quick overview of the classes the trademark is registered under. Click on the trademark to see more information on the trademark.

In the IP Marketplace you can also get an overview of patents granted and trademarks registered within the last 14 days.

You don't have to be registered as a user to access the information in the IP Marketplace. But you do have to be a user to sell or list the IP rights you need or want. It's all free. You can also take out a free subscription and get information listed in the IP Marketplace on the latest patents, utility models, trademarks and designs within your areas of interest.


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