Fertility Monitoring Device on a Cell Phone

Cell phones continue to offer more and more features. Not only can you check your email and surf the internet, but someday you may even be able to determine your significant others optimal baby making temperature! Check out this patent application filed by Samsung which states that:

“[t]he present invention relates to a portable device for measuring a user's basal body temperature (BBT) and a BBT measurement method utilizing the portable device. More particularly, the present invention relates to a portable BBT measurement device and method which can detect a location of a user's eardrum via a predetermined distance sensor, measure the user's eardrum temperature, convert the eardrum temperature into the user's BBT and record the converted BBT into a memory, to generate the user's menstruation information from the BBT recorded for a certain period, e.g. a month, and provide the user with the generated menstruation information.”


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