Actionable Intelligence throught Visual Patent Mapping

The The goal of Patent Mapping is to generate actionable intelligence from raw patent information, enabling timely, informed decisions.

Intelligence is not just information. It is knowledge that has been specially prepared for a specific business need. Most of the professional are involved in data production and fancy representation, not intelligence. Here comes the expertise in converting the raw data into actionable intelligence.

Patent information is content rich but often complex and inaccessible. Patent mapping is the only way highly complex patent information can be put into “plain English”, i.e., understandable form. Rational patent mapping creates actionable intelligence from raw patent information. Patent mapping intelligence has many applications, including avoiding undue risk, identifying opportunities and enabling key business, innovation and funding decisions.

Patent mapping is interpretive distillation of large amounts of often complex patent data into one or more high-value representations useful in making business decisions.


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