TIPO enhances free search options for Taiwanese patent information

Taiwanese Patent Office (TIPO) added a number of new features to the search options in its online "TWPAT" database. The English search interface in particular has been enhanced making it easier for Western users to access Taiwanese patent information. For example, users can now use the English interface to retrieve full-text documents in PDF format as well as English legal status data. The Chinese platform also has some new features, including access to full-text data.
Enhanced search options in English

To search in Taiwanese patents, utility models and designs in English, all you have to do is go to http://twpat.tipo.gov.tw/twcgi/ttsweb?@twpat2_e.

Legal status in English
Taiwanese legal status information dating back to around 1974 is now also available in English. The legal status is shown along with the bibliographic data. The following legal status data is currently available for patents and utility models:
 Date of grant
 Date of withdrawal/lapse
 Maximum term
 Due date for payment of annual renewal fee
 Number of years for which annual renewal fee paid
 Refusal
 Opposition and revocation proceedings.

Including Chinese searches
Because of the time delay before the data becomes available in English, it is advisable to search in the Chinese interface as well. Simple number or classification searches can be carried out without any knowledge of the language. TWPAT does not yet have a machine translation function. However, you can copy texts into one of the free translation engines available on the internet. A rough English translation can at least help you to decide whether the content of a particular Chinese document is of interest.


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