KPO From India - the New Kpo Outsourcing Destination

Author: Amit Agrawal

KPO from India - The new KPO outsourcing destination India has now established as the most preferred KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) destination for the companies around the world. The KPO has advantages of top Indian talent in the fields that require special skills, expertise and knowledge perfections.
KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing), what is it?

KPO is an extension of offshore BPO. It is the high-end activity of the BPO industry and is estimated to have a magnificent growth in the next few years. To processes the demand of advanced knowledge, analytical interpretation and technical skills. For sure, the average KPO employee is expected to have better qualifications, skills and knowledge as compared to his/her BPO counterpart.
kind of jobs it covers:

Fields of work that the KPO industry includes are intellectual property, patent research, content development, R & D in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, market research, equity research, data research, database creation, analytical services, financial modeling, design and development in automotive and aerospace industries, animation and simulation, medical content and services, remote education, publishing and legal support. MBAs, PhDs, engineers, doctors, lawyers and other specialists are expected to be much in demand. The rates for KPO jobs will also be higher and estimated to be approximately four times that of a BPO job.
What can be done in India

with KPO services as stayed here and Indians can now benefit much more than anytime before. Large number of talents and supportive government policies together makes India the most suitable environment for KPO. Several global players are already investing in India. As with the BPO sector, India is cost-effective and provides a vast intellectual talent. Plus expertise in areas such as research and analysis.


Rajendra Patil said…
Dear all readers

I am looking for comments on opportunites, trend, projects, pros-cons on KPO in Management accounting.

Thanks and regards

Anonymous said…
Get wiser and take an intelligent decision today as BPO paves an easy path to increased enterprise productivity and flexibility.
KPO services

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