Chinese Patent Data: a patent information challenge

An overview of Chinese patent databases available for free via English or Chinese interfaces

Source Coverage Update frequency (time lag) Data available URL
SIPO Website (Chinese) Patents, utility models, designs, from 1985 onwards Every Wednesday (none) Chinese bibliographic data/abstracts; original documents (A and B/C documents; TIFF, page by page), Chinese legal status data

SIPO Website (English) Patents, utility models, from 1985 onwards Quarterly (at least three months) English bibliographic data, abstracts for patents (incomplete for utility models)

China Patent Database (CNPAT) (English) Patents, utility models, designs, from 1985 onwards Monthly (at least three months) English bibliographic data, abstracts for patents, original documents (A and B/C documents)

Experimental Platform of Patent Information Services (Chinese) Patents, utility models, designs, from 1985 onwards Every Wednesday (none) Chinese bibliographic data/abstracts; original documents (A and B/C documents; TIFF, full document), Chinese legal status data

Experimental Platform of Patent Information Services (English) Patents, utility models from 1985 to 2006 Currently not updated English bibliographic data, abstracts, original documents (A documents only; TIFF, full document); English legal status data

CNIPR database (Chinese) Patents, utility models, designs, from 1985 onwards Every Wednesday (none) Free: Chinese bibliographic data/abstracts Fee payable: original documents, Chinese legal status data

At the beginning of 2008, Baidu Patents a Chinese equivalent of Google Patents has been launched. This tool is interesting but still lacking the full-text search feature

esp@cenet® is another place where Chinese data can be accessed. In particular the image collection of the complete patent document is easy to access using this tool.


LPO said…
Its presentation differ from other posts...It is good....

Legal process outsourcing (LPO)

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