PubMed PubReMiner

PubMed PubReMiner is a helpful tool for researcher. It is a web-based tool that allows simple text-based query building and information gathering(mining) of the NCBI literature search engine PubMed...look for its features below:
  • PubReMiner will query pubmed with your specified search query, get all abstracts and generate frequency tables.
  • The first table will show you journals in which your query is published the most.
  • The second table will show you the authors which are most active in the field of your query.
  • The third table will show you words that have been used most in the title and abstract of the articles.
  • Furthermore, Address fields, MESH headers and publication year are displayed.
  • All elements can be added to your query, and will thus make sure that your refinement still generates results.
  • When you are satisfied with the query, you can jump to pubmed and view the results.
  • Next to building efficient queries, Pubreminer can also be helpful in other areas:
    *Selecting a journal for your current work (by scanning the most often used journals of similar research)
    *Finding experts in a research area (by viewing the authors associated with your query)
    *Determine the research interest of an author (by viewing the keywords associated with an author)
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