Databases on the FDA Website
The search engine on the FDA Website will not find information that is in the databases that make up a large part of the site. Those databases can be accessed separately, using the links below. Following each link is a brief description of the database. Animal Feed and Drugs FDA Approved Animal Drug Products : A listing of searchable databases in the following categories: Approved Animal Drug Products (Basic search), Approved Animal Drug Products (Advanced search), Suitability Petitions, Sponsors, Green Book, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, Patents, and Exclusivity. FDA BSE/Ruminant Feed Inspections Firms Inventory : Inspection information of renderers, feed mills, ruminant feeders, protein blenders, pet food manufacturers, pet food salvagers, animal feed distributors and transporters, ruminant feeders, and others regarding compliance with the BSE/Ruminant Feed regulations. Biological Products Adverse Event Reporting System : The Adverse Event Reporting System is a compu...
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