Patent Value Predictor model

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) are viewed as being of increasing importance in many fields of business. Current practice in patent valuations are reviewed as is relevant literature gathered from a number of fields including accounting methods, discounted cashflow (DCF), related decision tree analysis (DTA) methods, and econometric methods based on renewal and stock market data.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) can be highly valuable rights playing a key role in many fields of business. However their value has been highlighted largely through their involvement in relatively rare but highly conspicuous transactions and litigation concerning successful businesses.

The problem in the case of patents is particularly complex due to the, sometimes lengthy and certainly complex, application process involving initial uncertainties about both the technical and commercial success in competitive markets of the underlying technology as well as uncertainties about the legal challenges which can occur both during the application and subsequent enforcement..

In a paper “The valuation of patents” by Robert Pitkethly, tried to present information on patent valuation methods and role of economists, patent lawyers, business strategists and mathematicians interested in this field. This article is must for professional interested various patent valuation techniques and methodologies.


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