Patent iNSIGHT Pro - Patent Analysis software

Current Release Feature Listing of Patent iNSIGHT Pro:

* Support for US, EP, WIPO, JP, GB, CA and other countries patents (Supports worldwide search available at ESPACENET)

* Support for Commercial Databases - Support for importing data from XML / CSV outputs from Delphion, STN and Micropat.

* Portfolio Cluster Engine Analysis - Helps cluster your patent portfolio around intelligent categories and quickly narrow down to the Category of your choice. (Unstructured Text Clustering)

* Support for IPC Based Clustering of Patent Documents (Structured Clustering)

* Support for User-Defined Categories/Technology and clustering of Patent Data around those categories. (Unstructured Text Clustering)

* Advanced Analytics wizard that can generate any type of graph depicting various trends and landscapes quickly and efficiently

* Co-occurrency Analysis that allow you to analyze how two or more pieces of patent information are related to each other

* Patent Similarity Engine - Helps eliminate duplicate patents and find patents similar in Title, Abstract or even Claims to a particular patent

* Natural Language search - Search using regular English expressions. Results are automatically ranked according to Relevance

* Bulk Downloader - Schedule multiple searches for download overnight and generate analytics over them the next day

* Classification Browser - Easy to use Browser to view US Class , IPC-R details and reverse search for appropriate Class Codes based on technology name

* Patent Data Cleanup tools - Cleanup incorrect inventor names, and clean/merge assignee names to generate reliable analytics

NEW Features Added (v2.8.4)
* Synonym Grouping - Our similarity search, natural Language Search and Relevance Ranking engine have received a major boost by introduction of the Synonym Grouping feature. Grouping together different nouns that represent the same object, allows the software to treat them as one when subsequent analysis is done. Say for instance a particular pharmaceutical drug could be called by several names. Grouping all of these names together, can allow the matching/searching algorithms to rank appropriately patents that may be using any one of the terms.
* Patent Alert Engine - Now you don’t need to pay extra for setting periodic alerts. Our Enterprise edition includes an alerting engine, that allows you to set alerts on your past searches. These may be alerts on a particular Keyword, IPC code, Assignee, Inventor. So now you do not have to waste time in continuously monitoring your interest areas or in repeating past searches.

The analytic report comes as a Excel workbook and Patent iNSIGHT Pro is also fully customizable to adding new analytics that suit your need.

Features coming in the next release v2.8.5:

Patent Claims Matching Engine
- Let the software give you and idea of how close claims of two patents are. View Independent Claims side-by-side for comparison.

* Support for Citation Analysis
* Support for Relationship Mapping


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