Non-patent searching aid tools for PubMed data

  • HubMed - An alternative interface to the PubMed medical literature database
  • TeXMed - a BibTeX interface for PubMed
  • PubMed PubReminer- PubReMiner will query pubmed with your specified searchquery, get all abstracts and generate frequency tables. The first table will show you journals in which your query is published the most.
    The second table will show you the authors which are most active in the field of your query. The third table will show you words that have been used most in the title and abstract of the articles. furthermore, Addressfields, MESH headers and publication year are displayed. All elements can be added to your query, and will thus make sure that your refinement still generates results. When you are satisfied with the query, you can jump to pubmed and view the results. Alternative names: PubReMiner, pubmed reminer, pub reminer, pubmed re-min
  • SLIM - Slider Interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches
  • Infotrieve's Medline PubMed - Search Results from the National Library of Medicine and PubMed.
  • PMD2HD - A web-tool to align a PubMed search result paged with the DKFZ library stock
  • ReleMed - From the University of Virginia School of Medicine that searches PubMed for medical literature by assigning relevance to results in addition to just looking for keywords.
  • PubFinder is an automated intelligent text analysis tools for improving retrieval rate of relevant PubMed abstracts relevant for a specific scientific topic. Requires the input of a representative set at least 8 abstracts as a starting point, which are central for a scientific topic. Based on the inputted abstracts, a a hit-list of references is returned to the user, in order of their probability of belonging to the defined scientific topic according to the PubFinder algorithm.
  • XplorMed Explore a bibliographic search in MEDLINE.
  • PubMed Browser An alternative interface to the PubMed database of medical literature. PubMed Browser offers tree view based results which allows more rapid selection of articles of interest given a carefully crafted search. Facilitates muich more rapid assessment of search results than linear based results presentation.
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